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Jul 31, 2018

wow, que GRAN episodio… realmente si alguna vez en tu vida haz pasado por eventos fuertísimos donde casi mueres (como un accidente en coche) o te haz enfermado tanto que te duelen hasta los huesos (tipo… que te da tifoidea en Tepoztlán) te haz divorciado por que te pusieron el cuerno, te haz dedicado muchos años a algo solo para enterarte del otro lado del mundo de tu verdadera vocación… este episodio te va a dejar con el corazón despierto.

Es momento de que empieces a fluir, tus deseos están a la vuelta de la esquina pero solo llegaran el día que decidas soltar la ansiedad, dejar de forzar y entregarte por completo a amar sin importar nada más.


Un mensaje de Emmanuelle para ti:

Today I can say that I’m the happiest person I know. I measure success by how happy I am and this way of viewing success has changed my entire life and last but not least incidentally filled my bank account.

Some years ago, I miscarried which led me to a great personal crisis. Through this crisis I began to understand that my ceaseless thirst for learning new things and growing in my professional life was actually something positive. All of these various interests were, in fact, interconnected and together made complete sense.

They were necessary to give a name to what I was called to do.

And that’s how ActingPolarity® was born.

ActingPolarity® combines my skills and knowledge to help you truly discover yourself; to be and love yourself. I’ll look at you in your entirety to powerfully connect your physical, mental and emotional sides to allow you to shine confidently in your light.

The goal is to feel complete and happy. Therefore, in my individual and group coaching sessions, I combine all of my acting techniques with physical and emotional energy connections. This will give you a presence that makes you feel entirely at peace.

@emcicol instagram



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